M.O.M.s Ball 2025: “LOOSE ENDS”


MOMs Ball 2025

Rain or Shine
Second Line Stages
800 Richard Street, New Orleans, LA 70130

Limited Street Parking; please consider ride-share.
Enter at Richard St. and Chippewa

INVITATION ONLY; do not post invitation sales online.

Attired or not, COSTUME REQUIRED.

No denim, No scrubs, No pimp costumes.
Please be cognizant of your fellow party-goers when constructing your costume.
No Motorized Vehicles, rollerblades, roller skates, bikes, stilts, etc.
No Weapons or toy weapons.

Props must be hand-held or attached to body.

Professional photographs available after 10:00.
No full-size cameras/ camera equipment
No audio recording
No video recording
Photos/online posting with permission only.
Some areas will be Camera-Free Zones. All photos/video will be strictly prohibited in these

The Krewe of M.O.M. expects an all-inclusive and accepting environment.
No hate, No discrimination. Be kind.

Remember, just because someone is wearing a beautiful or provocative costume does not
mean they want to be touched. Do not touch, grab, etc without permission.